Posts Tagged ‘Awareness’


Play Smart

In Uncategorized on November 15, 2010 by itallis Tagged: , , , ,

Some of our beta-testers have expressed a confusion about HOW to bioPLAY. It has been a long time since we all started playing video games, so the interface is like second nature now. I ask you to remember what it was like the first few times you held a game controller- with all those buttons. Much of how you gained skill was by pressing those buttons in all possible combinations. Even when it wasn’t right, you kept pressing those buttons and trying to beat the level. From that exploration your skills developed.
To learn to BioPLAY and score big, I invite you to see your THOUGHTS as the buttons. Observe them, and find the kind of thinking that triggers the game actions. The controls are fine-tuned within you, and with practice you will notice that some types of thinking trigger a good response, and others don’t trigger any response.
I am working with these games now as the fruit of 15 years working with Neurofeedback for self-enhancement, well-being and rehabilitation. I’ve watched MANY, MANY people learn to observe and gain dominion over their thoughts & brains, which improved their lives! My experience with clients made me KNOW that- if you are confused now, it’s because you’ve just begun. Practice by playing often, we’ll help you track your game and brain progress in a way that you will be SURE that the brain computer interface is much less about learning to control a game or machine with your mind as it is about learning to control your OWN BRAIN with your own AWARENESS.
Empower. Employ, ENJOY!